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Get Involved

The Wheatland-Chili Central School District recognizes that parents and guardians are their child’s first teachers and that families and teachers working together provide the greatest opportunity to assure the success of each student.

There are several opportunities available to families looking to be involved in the school community. The Board of Education meets regularly and welcomes parental input and often seeks volunteers to serve on committees studying specific issues. Classroom teachers are eager to accept volunteer assistance in many areas as well.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your school's main office to learn more.

Wheatland-Chili Parent Teacher Association

The Wheatland-Chili Parent Teacher Association (PTA) strives to inspire positive change in the community and believes to accomplish this, it is vitally important for children to see their parents and role models actively involved in their lives by supporting and volunteering in planned activities. In addition, The PTA is committed to supporting families, teachers and role models in their efforts to provide creative learning environments that encourage academic and social growth.

2024-25 Meeting Schedule

The PTA typically meets once a month on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the T. J. Connor Elementary School Library unless otherwise noted.

Thursday, September 12 at 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 10

Thursday, November 14

Thursday, December 5

Thursday, January 9

Thursday, February 13

Thursday, March 13

Thursday, April 10

Thursday, May 1 at 6:00 p.m. — School Budget Presentation

Thursday, June 5

2024-25 Officers

Amy Harper

Erica Doohan

Lilli Hamilton
Vice President

Rebecca Booth

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Wheatland-Chili Sports Boosters

Wheatland-Chili Sports Boosters' mission is to support athletic excellence, a positive community image and competitive programs in the District by providing financial assistance and support to our student athletes and coaching staff through fundraising.

Sports Boosters meets quarterly.

2024-25 Officers

Adrianne Pope

Kerry Hallock

Jennifer Nash
Vice President

Vanessia Smith

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