Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education
Wheatland-Chili Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) provides resources, programs and services, including special education, to students and their families. All services and programs are an extension of the District's academic program and are developed to ensure that all students have equal access to the curriculum.
Special Education
The District offers special education services to children with learning, physical and emotional difficulties which interfere with their ability to learn. No discrimination against any person with a disability will be permitted in any District programs and practices
The District recognizes our responsibilities under public law which requires us to identify and evaluate students ages
3 to 21 and provide access to free, appropriate educational services if they are determined to be eligible.
The Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education are multi-disciplinary committees which review all student referrals for special education support. Final recommendations are made to the Board of Education. An appeal procedure exists to give due process rights to parents
and children.
For more information about special education services, please
contact the PPS Office at 585-889-6249.